Power Amplifiers

RF Power Transistors – GaN DHEMT TECHNOLOGY

Part Number / Reference Design Frequency Linear Gain PSAT PAE Voltage Test Signal Package Samples / Datasheets Notes

0.03 – 4.0 GHz 17dB 6W 55% 32V CW 3x3 QFN Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com

30 - 2700 MHz 16dB @ 2000 MHz 10W 53% 32V CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9110K Datasheet for more info

30 - 512 MHz 21dB@ 300 MHz 9W 60% 32V CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com Data also available at 28V on App Note

3300 - 3800 MHz 13.5dB @ 3700 MHz 2.5W 50% 15V, Class A Proprietary Signal with 9dB PAPR Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com 25dBm linear Pout meeting Spectrum Mask and EVM

1500 - 1800 MHz 16dB @ 1700 MHz 5W 60% at 37dBm 30V CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com

30 - 800 MHz 20dB @ 400 MHz 10W 60% 32V CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com

0.95 - 1.8 GHz 16.7dB 39 dBm 50% Pout = 39dBm 30V 1.4 GHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9110K Datasheet for more info

0.2 - 2 GHz 16dB 39 dBm 60% Pout = 39dBm 30V 1 GHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9110K Datasheet for more info

0.03 – 4.0 GHz 18 dB 12.5W 55% 32V CW 3x6 QFN Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com

30 - 2600MHz @ 2400MHz : 15.5dB >12.5W 48% 32V CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9210D Datasheet for more info

30 - 1000 MHz 17dB 12W 65% Pout = 41dBm 32V, 50mA 1 GHz Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9210D Datasheet for more info See TA9210D Datasheet for more info

1.8 - 2.7GHz @ 2700MHz : 16dB >4W >45% 32V LTE, 10MHz BW, 9.5dB PAPR Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9210D Datasheet for more info

30-512MHz @ 300MHz : 21dB 2W 28V LTE 4.5MHz BW, 8dB PAPR Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com Resistive Feedback tune, low NF

30-1000MHz @ 500MHz : 19.5dB 2W 28V LTE 4.5MHz BW, 8dB PAPR Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com Resistive Feedback tune, low NF

30-1000MHz @512MHz Gain 16.2dB & NF 1.9dB 40dBm & 5W Input power handling 52% at 40dBm 28V 512MHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a LNA application. See TA9210D EVB-D2 Appnote for more info.

30-512MHz @ 300MHz : 19dB 12.5W 70% 32V CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com Tune : 30-512MHz

200-2700MHz @ 2100MHz : 15.5dB 10W 40% 20V CW,LTE Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com Class A and AB bias

700-3700MHz @ 3100MHz : 13dB 10W 45% 28V CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com Tune : 700-3700MHz

1200-2600MHz @ 2400MHz : 15dB 12.5W 55% 28V CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com Tune : 1200-2600MHz

3300 - 3800MHz @ 3700MHz : 14dB 36V, Class AB Proprietary Signal with 9dB PAPR Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com >28dBm linear Pout meeting Spectrum Mask and EVM

3000 - 3500MHz @ 3200MHz : 13.5dB >10W >50% 28V CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com 24V data also included in app note

2.1 - 2.5 GHz 17 dB 41 dBm 52% 28V 2.3 GHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9210D Datasheet for more info

2.4 - 2.5 GHz 18 dB 41 dBm 75% Pout = 41 dBm 28V 2.4 GHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9210D Datasheet for more info

0.2 - 2 GHz 15dB 40 dBm 50% Pout = 40 dBm 28V 1 GHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9210D Datasheet for more info
TA9210D + TS7441L-EVB-K VHF

135-175MHz 17.0dB 41dBm 55% at Pout=40dBm 32V 155MHz CW TA9210D [3x6] TS7441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9210D+TS7441L] application. See TA9210D+TS7441L-EVB-K Appnote for more info.
TA9210D+TS7441L-EVB-K UHF1

380-450MHz 17.0dB 40dBm 55% at Pout=39dBm 32V 450MHz CW TA9210D [3x6] TS7441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9210D+TS7441L] application. See TA9210D+TS7441L-EVB-K Appnote for more info.
TA9210D+TS7441L-EVB-K UHF2

450-520MHz 16.8dB 41dBm 51% at 40dBm 32V 485MHz CW TA9210D [3x6] TS7441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9210D+TS7441L] application. See TA9210D+TS7441L-EVB-K Appnote for more info.
TA9210D+TS7441L-EVB-K 800MHz

760-870MHz 17.5dB 40dBm 47% at 39dBm 32V 815MHz CW TA9210D [3x6] TS7441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9210D+TS7441L] application. See TA9210D+TS7441L-EVB-K Appnote for more info.

0.03 – 4.0 GHz 17.5dB 20W 55% 32V CW 6x5 DFN Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com

500 - 2700 MHz @ 2700MHz : 14dB >25W >55% 32V CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9310E Datasheet for more info

950-1250 MHz @ 1000MHz : 19.5dB 30W Peak 75% 28V DC=15%, PW= 10usec Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com Tune : 950-1250MHz

1.5 - 1.8 GHz @ 14.6dB at 1.7GHz 43dBm at 1.7GHz 50% at 42dBm 30V CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com

2.1 - 2.5 GHz 17 dB 44 dBm 62% Pout = 44dBm 32V 2.3 GHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9310E Datasheet for more info

2.2 - 2.4 GHz 17.3 dB 44 dBm 60% Pout = 44dBm 28V 2.3 GHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9310E Datasheet for more info

0.95 - 1.8 GHz 16 dB 44 dBm 57% Pout = 44dBm 30V 1.2 GHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9310E Datasheet for more info

2.7 - 3.5 GHz 14.7 dB 44 dBm 65% Pout = 44dBm 32V 3.3 GHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9310E Datasheet for more info

0.3-0.5GHz 22 dB 43.7dBm 50% Pout=44dBm 32V 0.4GHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9310E Datasheet for more info
TA9310E+TS8441L-EVB-I RF1

30-48MHz 19-18dB 42.2-42dBm 65-62% at Psat 28V 30-48MHz CW TA9310E [6x5] TS7441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9310E+TS8441L] application. See TA9310E+TS8441L-EVB-I Appnote for more info.
TA9310E+TS8441L-EVB-I RF2

48-78MHz 19-18dB 42.5-42.0dBm 65-58% at Psat 28V 48-78MHz CW TA9310E [6x5] TS7441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9310E+TS8441L] application. See TA9310E+TS8441L-EVB-I Appnote for more info.
TA9310E+TS8441L-EVB-I RF3

78-125MHz 19.0-17.5dB 42dBm 70-60% at Psat 28V 78-125MHz CW TA9310E [6x5] TS7441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch [TA9310E+TS8441L] application. See TA9310E+TS8441L-EVB-I Appnote for more info.
TA9310E+TS8441L-EVB-I RF4

125-200MHz 20-18dB 42dBm 75-65% at Psat 28V 125-200MHz CW TA9310E [6x5] TS7441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9310E+TS8441L] application. See TA9310E+TS8441L-EVB-I Appnote for more info.
TA9310E+TS8441L-EVB-I RF5

200-320MHz 19.5-18.0dB 42.7-42.2dBm 66-55% at Psat 28V 200-320MHz CW TA9310E [6x5] TS7441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9310E+TS8441L] application. See TA9310E+TS8441L-EVB-I Appnote for more info.
TA9310E+TS8441L-EVB-I RF6

320-520MHz 20.5-18.5dB 43.0-42.2dBm 68-59% at Psat 28V 320-520MHz CW TA9310E [6x5] TS7441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9310E+TS8441L] application. See TA9310E+TS8441L-EVB-I Appnote for more info.

30-512MHz 20.8 dB 41.5dBm 52% at 40dBm 18V 200MHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9310E Datasheet for more info

0.03 – 4.0 GHz 20dB 25W >55 % 50V CW 6x5 DFN Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com

20 - 525MHz @ 350MHz : 21dB >25W 70% 50V CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9410E Datasheet for more info

20 - 1000MHz @ 525MHz : 21dB >25W >55% 50V CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9410E Datasheet for more info

1.4 - 2.4 GHz 16.5 dB 46 dBm 55% Pout = 46 dBm 50V 1.6 GHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9410E Datasheet for more info

30 - 800 MHz 23 dB 46 dBm 70% Pout = 46dBm 50 V 80 MHz (20% Pulsed) CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9410E Datasheet for more info

5.1 - 5.3 GHz 11.5 dB 43 dBm 39% Pout = 43dBm 50V 5.3 GHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9410E Datasheet for more info

3.4 - 3.8 GHz 15 dB 44 dBm 56% at Psat 36V 3.6 GHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9410E Datasheet for more info
TA9410E+ 2xTS8441L-EVB-G RF1

30-48MHz 21.5dB 44.0dBm 70% at Psat 50V 30-48MHz CW TA9410E [6x5] TS8441L [5x5] rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9410E+TS8441L] application. See TA9410E+ 2xTS8441L-EVB-G Appnote for more info.
TA9410E+ 2xTS8441L-EVB-G RF2

48-78MHz 21.5dB 44.2dBm 72% at Psat 50V 48-78MHz CW TA9410E [6x5] TS8441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9410E+TS8441L] application. See TA9410E+ 2xTS8441L-EVB-G Appnote for more info.
TA9410E+ 2xTS8441L-EVB-G RF3

78-125MHz 21.5dB 44.0dBm 70-69% at Psat 50V 78-125MHz CW TA9410E [6x5] TS8441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9410E+TS8441L] application. See TA9410E+ 2xTS8441L-EVB-G Appnote for more info.
TA9410E+ 2xTS8441L-EVB-G RF4

125-200MHz 21.5-21.0dB 44.5dBm 70-68% at Psat 50V 125-200MHz CW TA9310E [6x5] TS7441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9410E+TS8441L] application. See TA9410E+ 2xTS8441L-EVB-G Appnote for more info.
TA9410E+ 2xTS8441L-EVB-G RF5

200-320MHz 21.0-20.5dB 44.0-44.4dBm 67-62% at Psat 50V 200-320MHz CW TA9410E [6x5] TS8441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9410E+TS8441L] application. See TA9410E+ 2xTS8441L-EVB-G Appnote for more info.
TA9410E+ 2xTS8441L-EVB-G RF6

320-520MHz 21.0-20.5dB 44.2dBm 62-57% at Psat 50V 320-520MHz CW TS8441L [5x5] Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com This is a PA plus Switch[TA9410E+TS8441L] application. See TA9410E+ 2xTS8441L-EVB-G Appnote for more info.

330 - 860MHz 18.3 dB 48.6 dBm 52% pout=48.6dBm 55V 530MHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9410E Datasheet for more info

500-2500 MHz 15.6 dB 45.5 dBm 52 % at Psat 50 V 1500 MHz CW Contact rfgan@tagoretech.com See TA9410E Datasheet for more info.